Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Beginning

It has always been too easy for me to quickly dismiss the idea of writing a blog: No time, too invasive, overall lack of interest, philosophically against the idea. The list goes on, yet here I am.

Concerns with starting a blog
  1. That my life will turn into blog entries
  2. That blog entries will turn into my life
  3. That I will neglect even more of the already neglected important things in my life
  4. That my blog becomes a substitute for conversations with friends & family
  5. That my entries will be utterly boring, so much so that my friends are no longer my friends
  6. That some weird stranger will habitually read my blog
  7. That the name of the blog will always be this lame
Anticipated benefits with starting a blog:
  1. My family & friends will know more of what I'm up to (pretty bad in our age of cell phones)
  2. That I find posting stuff to be personally fulfilling, push me in some self-discovery path, or just reward me in some short term egotistical way. I'll take what I can get.
Any others...? I'll update that as needed. Oh, and when you read this, "...?," that is Simple Things blog code for "readers comments are welcome." I guess that is implied with any part of a post, but it is emphasized wherever the appropriate code appears i.e., please give it your best shot to add something witty, funny, ridiculous (that will always be welcome on this blog), insightful, coincidental, and/or relevant.

1 comment:

Kirsten Sparenborg Brinton said...

I heard from MOM that you had a blog. She also cleverly re-named it: Jeffblogger Manwalker. What do you think?