Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just for Today

I intended to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I really did. First on the holiday agenda was breakfast. This initial celebratory act consisted of one avacado, one kiwi, and one bowl of Honey Chex. It is the middle of January and I ate kiwi and avacado for breakfast. America was celebrating MLK, I, on the other hand was celebrating globalization.

The second celebratory act of the day was getting dressed (no shower for water conservation, or perhaps laziness): one pair of Tommy Hilfiger 100% wool slacks, acquired from a thrift store in Berkeley, CA, one alpaca sweater de calidad exportativa, hecho en Peru. Again, I was celebrating the flatness of our planet and the ease it affords us to travel to far away places where we buy hairy fabric.

Happy MLK Day! Happy Inauguration! and three cheers for globalization, just for today!

1 comment:

Petra said...

And three cheers for Berkeley, too!